
Posts Tagged ‘Imagination’

For part one, click here.

This time we’ll start with the priceless interrogation scene between Hawkins Chief of Police Jim Hopper (David Harbour) and the “Hawkins tweens” (minus Will).

Hopper questions the boys about the route Will took home the night of his disappearance. Mike informs him that when leaving the Wheeler residence for home Will tends to take “Mirkwood,” a road near Hawkins National Laboratory.


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My sister and I got our parents a Netflix subscription for Christmas.  It turned out to be one of those “selfish gifts” in my case — in effect, if not in intent; my parents have kept a gracious tradition of allowing us to share in their account.  

That, and a recommendation from my sister, was how I finally got around to watching Stranger Things.

I am quite sure the series would have captured my interest even if I were not an 80s nerd, the primary draw subsisting in its imaginative and deeply human qualities.  But the nostalgia factor is there, and does confer a significant secondary appeal.

And then I guess I have a tertiary appreciation on account of it being the brainchild of people who are just about my age — namely, the Duffer Brothers. Pretty cool to think that I could have gone to high school with those guys.

My commentary is aimed primarily at fellow fans.  Non-viewers are welcome to read as well, but should be aware that they will find:


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I wanted to share a short video (about two-and-a-half minutes) featuring a young man from my neck of the woods.  His name is Hank Stratton — and though only in high school, he is already a quite brilliant artist.

Note: I share this partly in honor of Red Ribbon Week.  When I was working in substance abuse prevention, my colleagues and I were very passionate about promoting protective factors — that is to say, healthy activities that help young people to focus their talents, energies, and passions constructively — within the community.  Here is just one example of the kind of human potential that makes the pleasures of drugs and alcohol superfluous.

Here is the link to the video (I’ve arranged it to begin at the relevant section): WBTA News Interviews Hank Stratton.



  1. “Vincent van Gogh – The Church in Auvers-sur-Oise, View from the Chevet – Google Art Project” by Vincent van Gogh – 6wEjLceQPXkTtA at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_The_Church_in_Auvers-sur-Oise,_View_from_the_Chevet_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg#/media/File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_The_Church_in_Auvers-sur-Oise,_View_from_the_Chevet_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

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I am hard at work on an article for the newspaper, so for tonight I’ll give you another video.

This one is from “Theater of the Word,” and it dramatizes an early debate between J.R.R. Tolkien (creator of Middle-Earth) and C.S. Lewis (creator of Narnia), back when Lewis was still an atheist.  I figured it would be apropos, given our recent reflections on fairy tales in contemporary culture.  Enjoy!

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